Latricia Carole Parker

March 29, 1956 – June 9, 2024


Latricia Carole Shaw Parker peacefully passed away on June 9, 2024, at the age of 68 at Kirkwood Manor Nursing and Rehab Center in New Braunfels, Texas. She was born on March 29, 1956 to Rhonda Carloyn Shaw in San Saba, Texas.

She was raised in Goldthwaite by her mother Carol Shaw and Uncle Kenneth “Gum” Shaw. Both Kenneth and Carol played a vital role in Latricia’s life and upbringing. Latricia lived the majority of her adult life in Sonora, Texas where she raised her family and enjoyed many unforgettable adventures. A multitude of memories were made with family, neighbors and friends, in this small West Texas town.

Latricia loved to shop with her friends in San Angelo. Beautiful clothes, cute shoes, and jewelry were all things that brought Latricia great joy. One of her favorite stages of life was becoming a grandmother, where her name turned into “Nina.” She loved her grandchildren immensely. Latricia was always eager to do a little shopping and spoiling of her grandkids!

Latricia will be dearly missed by her daughter, Ashley Parker, fiancé Jonathan and granddaughter Adalyn of Caldwell, Texas. Her son, Cullen Parker, his wife Madelon and her grandsons, Riley, Grant, and Sutton.

Latricia’s warmth, kindness and unwavering love will forever remain in the hearts of those that knew her. She will be greatly missed, always loved, and never forgotten. May she rest in eternal peace.

Latricia was preceded in death by her parents, Jim Ross, Carolyn Shaw, and Uncle Kenneth “Gum” Shaw.

We would like to thank all of her friends and family that stayed connected, those that stayed with her at her home in Lampasas and cared for her day and night, and friends and family that assisted with transportation to and from the many appointments that were required over the last few months. We are forever grateful. Latricia and her family were so appreciative of your kindness and generosity.

Arrangements are under the directions of Stacy Wilkins Funeral Home. Funeral will be held at First Baptist Church of Goldthwaite and graveside to follow on Thursday June 20, 2024 at 11 am.

The following scripture reminds us that Latricia will also have a place prepared for her family and friends when we meet again.

John 14:1-3 “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. “